Bernard F. Hampton is a Photographer based in South Florida and working everywhere.
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The son of a longtime hobbyist photograher, he got his start working toward a merit badge in the boy scouts and assisting his father on photo shoots for their own projects and documenting their family’s history and events.. He would pick it up on and off over the years as a hobby until losing his father in 2004. That quickly led to photography as a means of staying connected with father through a mutual joy.

Like anything else in life Bernard enjoys, doing it right and doing well is paramount. That led him to complete a Fine Art Photography program and continuing to challenge himself. He enjoys visual storytelling and capturing the beauty in things large and small; especially the easily missed or taken for granted in the local community.

Bernard has been blessed to enjoy traveling 5 continents with his gear or simply visit local cities and sights near him. He is always excited when projects allow him to meet new people and travel to new places.